Provistore Limited

Order Duration

Rookie Service


Provistore Limited begins order processing immediately after payment of Total fee.


Order processing is scheduled to last between 24 hours to 48 hours, after which is the delivery. Any situation that is likely to extend this process beyond the stipulated date will be communicated to the customer and further discussed. 


Beyond this time, customers can proceed with cancellation of orders and claim their Total fee in full if Provistore Limited refuses to communicate beforehand or give a justifiable reason for the delay.


Any significant changes a customer makes may likely affect the duration of an order directly, however, should a change affect delivery timeline,  a new timeline will be set and duly communicated to the customer.


In force majeure situations, Provistore Limited will duly update customers post-haste.


Failure to supply an item or items of an order due to product unavailability, Provistore Limited will communicate to customers before delivery day. This we believe will give customers an opportunity to make alternative arrangements and avoid inconvenience.

Avalanche Service


Provistore Limited begins order processing immediately after payment of Total fee.


Order processing is scheduled to last between 24 hours to 48 hours, after which is the delivery. Any situation that is likely to extend this process beyond the stipulated date will be communicated to the customer and further discussed. 


Beyond this time, customers can proceed with cancellation of orders and claim their Total fee in full if Provistore Limited refuses to communicate beforehand or give a justifiable reason for the delay.