Provistore Limited

Sell With Provistore Limited

Provistore limited is an ecommerce company for the SHS sector that sells all SHS essentials students within the sector would need to get started and thrive during their stay on campus. Hence Provistore Limited adheres strictly to the generalized high school standards and individual school’s requirements. Provistore Limited sells all items permitted for use within the high school sector.

Requirements for registration as a seller with Provistore Limited

A business email address
Ecowas Identity Card
TIN Information
Phone Number
Bank Account Number

What Can One Sell On Provistore Limited

Provistore limited is an ecommerce company for the SHS sector that sells all SHS essentials students within the sector would need to get started and thrive during their stay on campus. Hence Provistore Limited adheres strictly to the generalized high school standards and individual school’s requirements. Provistore Limited sells all items permitted for use within the high school sector. We have narrowed these items down to fourteen (14) categories.

Product Details Listing